Kobe Mizho Honpo Inc.

Duties guidance
The absolute trust from approximately 600 stores.
We introduce a cell production method corresponding to the
epoch-making many kinds small lot early throughout the trade.

"Demand","research and development","suggestion"From "the result"
in the acting power that is all quick.
Built up Brand of Mizho
related companies
We should go on offering gsafetyh and greliefh goods to consumer.Therefore we can promise to consumer that we offer them the high quality and steadiness goods, because of we make the best use the newest machinery and skill on the subject of gsafety foodh and "supply the demand for them".
The view of the noodle factory
The Mizho Developing
Our company produce every noodle or flour production.In order that, we want to give satisfaction to consumer and we will spread of the business the whole country.On the back of that We are thorough marketing research and get request from consumer.
The central of cultural foods
We produce special storefs real taste use by skill of Mizho for example, gKobe Chinese noodles soupgC gKobe Gyozah.Then we have perfect confidence that we exploit gJapanfs noodlegor hJapanfs Yakisobag and so on.Would you like sale these your company or storeHPlease make contact with our company without reserve.
Mizho is able to impossibility.
We will break through the price competition, aim at create the specialized products. Our goods are hooked on yourself.
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