Kobe Mizho Honpo Inc.

Scenery of the noodle factory
photo-factory1 photo-factory2
Complete quality control and adjust the machine to various kinds of noodle epoch-making.
We improve everyday for needs of customer.
In the production of Ramen
1: Mixing

 Mixing selected special additive-free material and brand of private delicious flour that collaborate our company and flour milling.
 Pick out agreeable recipe from huge recipe for conformity with consumers needs.
 It is important process to makes strong inside dough.

2: Shape of noodle

After mixing it shape material noodle, that call "Menntai".
 It finished new type noodle because used original skill so, it doesnft exhaust from boiled noodle ten minutes.
 After shaped age the it and tasty more smooth.

complex / rolling

3: Cut and measure
Cut and measure

 Cutting the gMenntaih for consumerfs request.
 Thick noodle are sticky, thin are strong and smooth. They are very different noodles.
 Noodles are cut automatic by weight, and one more measure to make doubly sure quality.

4: Packaging and metal detection

 After measured make it into packages.
 There are automatic line and handiwork line. We prepared form consumer requests.
 Also, there are metal detection each lines and visual inspection for protect into foreign objects.


5: Keeping

 It is also important process too.
 Temperature keeping in refrigerator 5`10 for doesnft malignant noodles for example noodles make transparent or float during boiled and get cloudy boiled water.